Makers Empire Showcase

Year 5 students have been participating in the Makers Empire Program which teaches students about 3D printing and design. Students learn how to solve real-world problem through modelling 3D solutions. Our students have been developing a make-believe planet using the Makers Empire App as part of a Science and Technology Unit.

On the last day of Term 2, Jake M. and Grace F. represented Year 5 at the Maker Empire Showcase held at Ryde, NSW.

Grace and Jake were required to create a display of a selection of their classmates’ projects. Their display won the Peer Prize, being judged by other students as the best in the Showcase.

Jake said, “It was great to work on a collaborative project and I felt really proud to represent my classmates in the competition”.

Congratulations to Jake and Grace, our Year 5 students, their teachers, Mrs Wisniewski and Mr Scott, and Mrs Binns, IT Teacher/Integrator.